Thursday, January 27, 2011



GUILTY, we think not.

An Opinion Piece

A team of twelve detectives, three well known firearms experts and an Italian translator, two lawyers met last month to discuss the case of two Italian anarchist who were charged with murder nearly three years ago. This private investigation took an interesting turn as new startling evidence emerged suggesting they might have been framed.

These domestic criminals both of Italian descent are known for believing in the practice of anarchism. Their anti-government feelings are believed to the motive behind the robbery and murders which they are said to have committed.
Sacco and Vanzetti have had two trials and have appealed for another. Evidence has shown that the bullet which had fired during the armed robbery had not come from the gun of Sacco or Vanzetti. Thus leaving many to believe they have been framed.
The Court refuses to see this case again, however current convict, Celestino Madeiros has announced that he was behind the crimes. He is a member of larger infamous Italian gang, led by Joseph Morelli who is nearly identical to Sacco.
Our verdict is that Sacco and Vanzetti are both not guilty and that Morelli and his gang are behind the brutal murders.