Sunday, March 27, 2011

Obama lives in the CASABLANCA

CASABLANCA – A review by Michael Tessler

General Storyline: Taking place following the Nazi occupation of France. Casablanca the beautiful seaside city in non-occupied French Morocco is a place where a little bit of luck and a lot of money could find you a one way ticket out of the WW2 decimated Europe and African continents. It was a place of opportunity. A place of corruption – this classic story is the tale of a man who in the midst of horrid world war finds himself torn on his allegiance and his love. In Paris he fell in love. He was divided from her as the Nazis began their invasion. He found a way down to Casablanca where he opened a club. There he remained neutral. Trying to disregard the global conflict – he appealed to no factions other than himself. Rick was free to go about his business until one day a beautiful familiar face reappears in his life. His love interest from Paris who appears to be married to the leader of the resistance movement, he had dodged and escaped many concentration camps.

As time goes on anger begins to grow as the Nazis grow weary of Rick and his club operation. When the Nazis in his club begin singing the National Anthem of the Reich, Rick commands his band to play the National Anthem of France. This great showmanship is the first time we see Rick choose sides. His club is closed down shortly after.

While being in possession of tickets out of Casablanca. Rick has the choice of either leaving himself. Or letting his former love interest and her resistance leader husband leave – this compelling story was written during World War Two. It’s a classic love story and no doubt the great film of its time.


RICK – He is the attractive, cynical, entrepreneur who left the United States and moved to France where he then was forced to flee to the Moroccan city of Casablanca where he opens a nightclub. He operates as non-partisan. He doesn’t like to “stick his head out for others”. However upon the arrival of Ilsa his former love interest. A series of events occurs which shows another side of the classic American bad boy.

ILSA – Gorgeous and devious. She is torn between Laszlo and Rick. However she realizes that above her love. Her cause comes first. She is cunning and symbolizes the classic female protangist.

LASZLO – Intellectual and brave. Laszlo is above all else the classic good guy. Who seeks to the topple the Third Reich and restore freedom the people of Europe and Africa. Laszlo is quick and nimble. He has narrowly escaped death on more than one occasion and seeks refugee in America where he hopes to organize the resistance further.

STRASSER – Your stereotypical Nazi commandant. Serves the Third Reich with no discretion, he hates and attempts to destroy any resistance to Nazi Germany one of his biggest targets his Laszlo whom has continued to escape Nazi persecution.

RENAULT – A French-Casablanca officer who has been forced to follow Strasser among other Nazis he appears to be on good terms with Rick whose club he goes to often.

UGARTE, - He murders two German officers to obtain papers to leave the country he however is caught by Renault who wished to please Strasser and the Nazis.

SAM – Funny, classy and jazzy Sam is the best friend and accomplice of Rick. They have a brotherly relationship.

Historical Aspects:

A few things I enjoyed about Casablanca from a historical standpoint were first the ring featuring the sign of the French resistance. Shortly following the destruction of the true French government many people and former soldiers began forming an underground movement. Their symbol featured a cross with two horizontal lines rather than one. Eventually following the Allied landing at Normandy the French resistance helped the Allied forces recapture Europe for the control of the Third Reich.

Sources: (Most facts came from my 8th grade United States history class)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(Google) About Me

Google Search: Michael Tessler Port Jefferson

(GOOGLE) ABOUT ME - N/A: Port Jefferson Take Back the Streets Committee - TBR: Youth of the Year award - PJ Gazette: Dinner on the Harbor event and Tours and Concierge synopsis - Star Awards: Nomination for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - Shanti Fund: Second place for Peace Through Environment Presentation PJ Gazette: “Tessler praised by Senator: That Tessler boy is a civic leader” article on First Annual Youth Summit TBR: Pathways to Peace presentation NYS Senate: Announcement that Senator Kenneth LaValle will sponsor a bill which I fundamentally proposed SAT: Article on Shanti Fund event

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Auschwitz Concentration Camp Uniform

Adolf Hitler was a malevolent dictator who took a shattered German nation and turned it into the Third Reich which would be responsible for the death of millions of people both on the battlefield and in secret death camps placed all around the European continent.

His goal was to exterminate all opposition as well as all those who did not fit into his master race. Hitler led with an iron fist which was successful till the eventual fall of Berlin due to the advancing Soviet Army. Before his death Hitler initiated his ‘Final Solution’ to disenfranchise, humiliate, and murder millions of Jewish people as well as political prisoners, freemasons, homosexuals, gypsies and others who opposed the Third Reich. He nearly reached success. However due to the military actions of the Allies many people were rescued.

My item is a uniform from Auschwitz which was a Nazi death camp located in Poland. Auschwitz is the most infamous of all camps due to the amount of murders which took place there. Speculation as to who wore this is difficult. However the Red Triangle is a sign that it was a political prisoner most likely from Poland.


Reaction to clips:

George Gottlieb: “Be proud of your heritage, be proud of your name.” Mr. Gottlieb symbolizes the struggle of my people during the Holocaust. His resistance mentally, allowed him to survive. You can see as he speaks. That although many years had gone by. Feelings, emotions, memories are just as permanent as the tattoo on his arm. This video nearly brought me to tears as you can hear the pain and suffering in his voice.

Erna Anolik: This clip was especially powerful. You can hear how the humiliation and sight of death affected her. Her description of the role call was painful to listen to as you can imagine how it must feel like. Hope kept her alive. Hope of finding her parents, hope of liberation.


Jacob Wasserman: (My family name. My great grandfather is also Jacob Wasserman.)

Did you ever believe you were going to be liberated? If so how long do you think it would take till it happened?

Did you make any close friends during your time in the labor camps? If not did you avoid making friends for fear of losing them to the Nazis?

After liberation did you still believe in Judaism? If so how? If not why?

Do you ever wonder what would have happened had you said “Good Morning” to the Polish officer?

Since you moved to Israel do you believe that the military actions against the settlements are wrong and unjust? If not, why?