Thursday, April 28, 2011


1. We recently discussed the events that took place at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Fifty years after those events, there is still a civil rights struggle going on; one example of this took place in Jena, Louisiana. Read the NY Times article "Louisiana Protest Echoes the Civil Rights Era". In a blog post, discuss your reaction to the Jena article and also discuss how the Jena and Little Rock incidents are similar. Be sure to answer both parts of the question for full credit.

It sickens me that in this modern day racism like this can persist among the youth of America. It is interesting however. That reverse racism is now occurring. In place of whites segregating and mistreating blacks it would appear years of oppression and de facto segregation have led to hostility. This has been seen for as long as racism has occurred. Malcolm X practiced this method. Which proved to only cause more hatred on both sides – I thought this compared well to the Little Rock incident at least regarding the involvement of the President and the hostile tensions that followed. However times are different and this article doesn’t mention whether the attacks were race motivated. As far I could tell it happened that five black kids beat up a white kid. I’m interested to read the testimonies of the case.

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