Thursday, April 28, 2011


1. We will be talking a lot about MLK and Malcolm X in class. Many would argue that these men were vastly different in their methodology.Yet others would argue that there were no differences between the two. Check out this doc, which provides you with quotes from both men. Using what we discuss in class and also what you infer from the doc/quotes, discuss in a blog post whose methodology was more effective in accomplishing goals set by the Civil Rights Movement.

Dr. King and Malcolm X shared many ideas. This can be seen in the quotes as well in any of their speeches. They believed in equality. In the fight for freedom – however their styles and methods of change and progress varied. Malcolm X had turned to a radical movement. Empowering blacks by violence believing that by resisting arrest and fighting back they would achieve their goal – Dr. King however used civil disobedience and peaceful methods to not only obtain the support of the people but the respect of them as well. I am a firm believer that Dr. King’s method of peace was by far more affective and has ensured that future generations do not carry the hostility that armed conflict would have brought.

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