Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15th

Our family was as old as the republic itself. As long as it has existed we defended it. I am proud of my heritage. Being the only son I couldn’t help but wonder what great conflict I would fight. I’d read the news every so often. Keep hearing about the Communist. I wonder if I’ll fight in Moscow or maybe Minsk. I hear it’s pretty beautiful when it isn’t buried in thick snow. Can’t help but feel bad for the Jerry’s who froze during the battle of Stalingrad. Regardless I’m almost ready to head off to West Point. I’m hoping that the GI Bill pays for all of it. It’s amazing how past all the wars and conflicts not a single member of my family has died. I hope I’m not the first. Anyway we’re getting a visit from Senator McCarthy this evening so I should get gear and head out. Till we meet again.

Television and film had widely altered the way we think and act. This has been present numerous times in history. During the Vietnam War the people of the United States watched live as we saw our soldiers getting shot and blown up. It has also made us naïve at the same time. Nowadays people watch ‘reality television’ which actually has been counterproductive to society. Shows like the Jersey Shore have replaced the classic shows which promoted family and humor. Political pundits and plain out imbeciles like Glen Beck have plagued the ‘news’. Feeding their opinions into what should be non-partisan, plain and simple news. Since the founding of television, broadcasters and writers have been able to alter the way we think and view things. In many occasions it has been positive in others it has been negative.

This not only features racism but sexism as well. Portraying the classic Aunt Jemima whom personifies the typical “mammy” or southern servant or slave – she cooks and judging by her head piece she also cleans. This ad shows a woman’s place and shows the stereotypical image of what society thought a black woman’s place was in the world.

McCarthyism Impact on Society: McCarthyism was fundamentally a witch hunt of Communism which restricted the right of Freedom of Speech. People whom were innocent were trialed in front of Congress and had their lives and careers ruined. It was caused by a fear of communism and the sheer stupidity of Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Communist “Witch Hunt” and impact on those accused: It ruined many lives and forbid the film and music industry from producing ‘questionable’ material which should be protected under the United States Constitution.

Space Race impact on government policies : Space race led the launch of Sputnik and the Apollo missions. In 1969 the United States successfully landed a man on the moon. Our flag still waves there today.

Cold War mind set for the United States Government and public: People lived in fear of what would happen to them, their family, their friends and their neighbors. A possible impending nuclear threat looming as well.

Relationship of suburbs, automobiles, and roads: Caused by the baby boom and growth of Middle Class, an excess of automobiles followed by roads made suburbs more practical.

Baby Boom: Following a lack of babies being born during World War II a huge number of births occurred more commonly known as the baby boom.

Urban-Suburban Pattern: While urban areas still grew. Suburbs now became the optimal place to live and play, while many places became ‘commuter towns’.

GI Bill: Following WWII members of the military now received special benefits such as medical care and free finances to go to cool.

Expansion of the Middle Class (why were things “affordable”): Global competition was halted following World War II the United States had numerous factories that were reworked for the purpose of producing goods. New Deal polices led to the birth of unions and employee benefits.

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